News Photo Updates
Birds & Brydon Lagoon (Apr 09, 2015)
It was a great day at Brydon Lagoon, with a new(...)
The Greater Vancouver Zoo - Part 2 (Mar 25, 2015)
Sometimes black and white shots add punch to images.(...)
The Greater Vancouver Zoo - Part 1 (Mar 19, 2015)
I would much rather see animals in their native(...)
Reifel Bird Sanctuary - 2 (Mar 13, 2015)
The long past shorter and cooler days of fall and(...)
Reifel Bird Sanctuary - 1 (Mar 03, 2015)
Though they may tuck themselves into hidey holes, or(...)
Christmas Island, Salmon Arm (Feb 24, 2015)
Sometimes a walk through a park or reserve is just a(...)
Bald Eagles and Trumpeter Swans (Feb 12, 2015)
Harrison River in Harrison Mills is an excellent place(...)
Colourful Bounty (Jan 28, 2015)
The days are certainly shorter, but the rich chilly(...)
Feel The Chill at Green Timbers Urban Forest (Jan 15, 2015)
It's time for bundling before going out. Scarves,(...)
A Little Variety (Jan 07, 2015)
A good walk with a few show stoppers makes for a great(...)
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